School culture shapes many aspects of student experiences: from feeling safe and supported to the norms about learning, to the interactions through which students internalize emotional and social competencies such as grit, responsibility, civility, and citizenship. Creating a strong intentional culture is the fundamental pathway towards achieving excellence with integrity.
Culture of Excellence & Ethics Assessment™ School surveys have been in development since 2005 and have been utilized by K-12 education organizations and educational researchers in the U.S. and across the world, including Kenya, Singapore, Mongolia, Costa Rica, South Africa, China, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Africa, India, and the Philippines.
Recognized as valid and reliable instruments by OSDFS experts, CEEA surveys are included in the federal School Climate Survey Compendium.
The validity of the survey findings is enhanced by including parallel items and scales into student, staff, and parent surveys, which allows for triangulation of the results. You can read about psychometrics of the survey here.

Sample Reports
A set of files comprising a CEEA data report for a school consists of a Summary Report and item-by-item Frequencies and Means for Students , Faculty and Staff, and (if collected) Parent surveys.
To find out more about CEEA services, call our partner — The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University at 515-271-1910 (or email Customer Service at CHARACTER COUNTS!).
After you have collected and reviewed your school’s culture data, you can use the Excellence with Integrity ESSENTIALS series to create powerful learning experiences and develop essential 21st-century social, emotional, and character competencies among your students.
Knowing from your data which areas you need to support or improve will help you choose which of the ESSENTIALS modules will best suit your needs.

To purchase please visit the online store of our partner CHARACTER COUNTS!, call 515-271-4840, or email Customer Service.

Our journey with the Excellence with Integrity solutions has led us down a path where we tackled issues related to integrity, stress, and communication, and our students developed skills and strategies to lead more effectively in the classroom, on the athletic field or court, and in life beyond the walls of high school.
Dr. William Watson
Director of Activities and Community Education, Urbandale Community School District
Contact our team (315-692-8054) to put our solutions to work for you.