What’s most important to catholic schools today: enrollment, retention, academic quality, or Catholic identity? The answer, of course, is All of the Above!
Immaculate Conception Elementary School (Fayetteville, NY) serves students in grades PreK through 6, drawing from 10 local school districts. IC school got assistance from the Institute to help shape a clear vision and mission, revamp their marketing materials and strategy, and gather school improvement feedback from parents, students, and staff. Immaculate Conception collected feedback using the Catholic School Improvement Surveys (CSIS), including Early Childhood Program Feedback, K-6 Parent Feedback, and the CSIS survey of the enrolled students and staff. The Institute collected, analyzed and presented the data to the Principal, Pastor, and President. The Institute then integrated the data results into professional development that helped faculty and staff build on strengths, revise and clarify policies, and enrich school and staff practices.
Outcomes of IC’s work with the Institute include extraordinary retention, enhanced enrollment, successful Principal and President succession, and a vibrant parent board. In 2013 Immaculate Conception was recognized for its innovative marketing work with a Catholic Education Award from Today’s Catholic Teacher.
Immaculate Conception Elementary School, Fayetteville NY